How to Create an AdSense Account (For Newbie Bloggers)

what is google adsense?

Google AdSense is an online advertising program developed by Google that enables website owners to monetize their content by displaying targeted ads.

It serves as a bridge between advertisers and website publishers, allowing publishers to earn revenue when visitors interact with ads on their sites.

AdSense utilizes contextual targeting, displaying ads relevant to the content of a webpage, and offers various ad formats such as display, text, and link units (Facebook ads).

Website owners apply for AdSense, and once approved, they can integrate ad code into their pages. Advertisers pay for ad space through Google Ads, and publishers earn a share of the revenue generated from ad clicks or impressions.

Step 1: Prepare your blog

Before you dive into the AdSense application process, ensure your blog meets the necessary criteria. Google has specific requirements, including original and valuable content, a user-friendly layout, and adherence to their program policies.

Make sure your blog has a professional appearance and that you’ve created enough quality content to attract visitors. example

Step 2: Sign up for a Google account

If you don’t have a Google account, you’ll need to create one. Head to the Google Account creation page and follow the instructions to set up your account. Make sure to use an email address associated with your blog for better organization.

Step 3: Navigate to AdSense and sign up.

Once your Google account is set up, go to the Google AdSense homepage ( and click on the “Sign Up Now” button.

Step 4: Fill in Your Blog Details

On the AdSense signup page, provide the necessary information about your blog. This includes your blog’s URL, language, and the country where your content is primarily targeted. Ensure that your blog adheres to AdSense policies to increase your chances of approval

create an adsense account

This form is straightforward. You simply need to enter your website address and select the content language. For the website, URL use your blog address, and make sure to not to include “http://”

Step 5: Connect Your Website

To verify ownership of your blog, you’ll need to connect it to your AdSense account

Follow the provided instructions to add the AdSense code to your website or use Google Analytics if it’s already integrated into your blog.

Step 6: Wait for Approval

After connecting your website, the next step is to wait for AdSense to review your application. This process may take a few days or even weeks. Meanwhile, continue producing high-quality content for your blog.

Step 7: Ad Placement and Customization

Once your AdSense account is approved, you can start customizing ad placements on your blog. AdSense provides various ad formats, allowing you to choose the ones that best fit your blog’s design and layout. Experiment with ad placement to find the most effective positions without compromising the user experience.

Step 8. You Get Paid

Google will ask you to add your payment information and personal details so you can get paid.

Once you do that, Google will pay you at the end of each month for clicks, impressions, and other interactions with the ads displayed on your website.

You’ll upto get 68% of the ad revenue recognized by Google.

Advantages of adsenseDisadvantages adsense
1. Easy to Implement1. Limited Customization
2. Wide Range of Advertisers2. Strict Policies from google
3. Automated Targeting audience3. Dependence on Traffic
4. Revenue Potential4. Revenue Share with google
5. Performance Tracking5. Potential for Click Fraud
6. Flexibility6. Ad Relevance Challenges
advantages and disadvantages of having google adsense on your website


In conclusion, Google AdSense is an online advertising program developed by Google, facilitating website owners to monetize their content by displaying targeted ads.

Acting as a liaison between advertisers and website publishers, AdSense employs contextual targeting to showcase ads relevant to the webpage content, offering various ad formats.

Website owners apply, integrate ad code, and earn revenue from ad interactions. The application process involves meeting Google’s criteria, signing up for a Google account, applying for AdSense, connecting the website for ownership verification, and awaiting approval.

Upon approval, customization of ad placements begins, and publishers receive payments at the end of each month based on ad interactions.

The advantages of using Google AdSense include its ease of implementation, a wide range of advertisers, automated audience targeting, revenue potential, and performance tracking.

However, there are also disadvantages, such as limited customization options, strict policies from Google, dependence on website traffic, revenue sharing with Google, potential for click fraud, and challenges in maintaining ad relevance.